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From A8 highway
- go out at Legnano, follow the street (via Luigi Cadorna) to Legnano, untill you cross Sempione.
- go straight on viale Toselli for about 1,5 Km, untill tou cross (traffic light) via per San Giorgio (on your left yu can see the Legnano Park).
- Turn left, following the indications for San Giorgio and Canegrate.
- Follow this street (via per San Giorgio, via per Canegrate, via fratelli Bandiera) for about 2 Km.
- After Canegrate town hall and train station, turn right into via Magenta (pass under the railway bridge).
- After the bridge turn left into via Torino.
- At the first street, turn right into via Como.
- At the third street, turn left into via Savona.
- Pass by via Sondrio and go straight to via LECCO.
- after about 200 meters, you can find us on the left.
- dopo circa 200 metri, ci trovate sulla sinistra.